Voice Actor

Sam Buti Voice Actor

Sam Buti is a versatile voice actor known for his conversational, warm, and playful style. With over 15 years of experience, Sam has lent his voice to TV and radio commercials, training videos, podcasts, web campaigns, and live events.

Hear Sam Buti’s Voice

Discover why brands like Michelob Ultra, Wrigley Eclipse, H&R Block, AT&T, The Glenlivet, and Lunchables trust Sam Buti for their campaigns. Listen to his voice-over demo below to experience his unique sound.

Professional Voice Acting Experience

Sam’s extensive voice-over credits span national TV, radio, narrative fiction podcasts, and industrial campaigns. For a detailed list of his work, visit his Casting Networks Profile.

Voice Acting Training

Trained as a Meisner actor under Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s Artistic Director, Audrey Francis, Sam further honed his craft as a Chicago voice actor with Dave Leffel at BAM Studios and Jeff Lupetin at Acting Studio Chicago, as well as in L.A. with casting director Glenn F. Haines.


Sam is proudly represented by Lily’s Talent in Chicago. While in Los Angeles, he was previously represented by DPN Talent.

For inquiries or bookings, contact Sam Buti today!

 A few voice over related resources: