“Sam Buti is a wonderful voice over coach. He not only gives GREAT direction, but his notes are SO specific and clear. You feel like he’s in the sound booth whispering in your ear. He is incredibly fun to work with and always has a positive and uplifting demeanor. Working with Sam helped me find the fun in my VO work. And THAT is priceless.”
- Katia Gomez, Actor
“Sam Buti is a wonderful teacher — an active listener, patient, insightful, and generous. I learned so much about using my voice with confidence and applied my learnings right away. I highly recommend working with Sam!”
- Ari Pinkus, Editor & Research Scientist
“Sam will go beyond the typical vocal techniques and exercises to teach you how to express your authentic voice. The sessions were deeply insightful and forced me to think about how I want others to perceive me, what distinguishes me. I was surprised more than once by those discoveries, and there is no way I could have gone there without Sam’s guidance. Sincerely, I feel so lucky to have found Sam and worked with him on this course, which had both technical and psychological parts. Rather than mimicking someone else, this training will allow you to discover your own unique voice that others will want to emulate.”
Between the ages of 17 (possibly earlier) through about the time I was about 29, I often used to feel overwhelmingly sad. These sad feelings started well before I began binge eating and stuck around for a while after. In retrospect, my sad feelings weren’t dangerous (I was lucky). No, my sad feelings could have benefited from one simple factor: acknowledgment. And such acknowledgment could have come from me or could have come from other people.
Hate public speaking? Have to give a speech & don’t know what to say?
Hi. I’m Sam Buti, producer and digital media strategist. And I get it – speaking in public is a challenge. In fact, it’s one of the biggest fears in America. It’s unnatural. You’re nervous. Your mouth dries up. Your tongue is a hundred pounds. And you must stand in front of everyone to charm, entertain, and ENGAGE them? “It’s…not natural,” you say. The art of speaking well is less like English and more like a foreign language that you don’t know…
Sound relatable? Luckily, it’s easy to learn the aspects of public speaking. AND it’s easiest to learn these skills with the help of a speaking coach! In fact, if this sounds like you – someone with an upcoming speech who gets nervous speaking in front of a crowd – I AM LOOKING FOR YOU.
How to overcome fear of speaking AND gain the confidence to TALK
While casting is closed on our current project where I teach ONE PERSON to talk with confidence, to find their natural voice, and use all aspects of public speaking to communicate with ease in front of a crowd, I can offer resources, training, and help to you if you:
Feel nervous/uncertain speaking in front of people
Have no prior professional speaking experience
And must give a speech in the next year.
Does this sound like you? Then move over toastmasters and listen to (your name here) speak!
Over the course of your training, candidates receive:
One to two hours of in-person coaching with Sam Buti per week
An actionable framework for using your authentic voice in front of a crowd
Help with writing your speech’s outline
Prep, practice, and support along the way
The confidence to speak
Take charge of your voice, conquer your fear, and give the speech of your life