“Sam Buti is a wonderful voice over coach. He not only gives GREAT direction, but his notes are SO specific and clear. You feel like he’s in the sound booth whispering in your ear. He is incredibly fun to work with and always has a positive and uplifting demeanor. Working with Sam helped me find the fun in my VO work. And THAT is priceless.”
- Katia Gomez, Actor
“Sam Buti is a wonderful teacher — an active listener, patient, insightful, and generous. I learned so much about using my voice with confidence and applied my learnings right away. I highly recommend working with Sam!”
- Ari Pinkus, Editor & Research Scientist
“Sam will go beyond the typical vocal techniques and exercises to teach you how to express your authentic voice. The sessions were deeply insightful and forced me to think about how I want others to perceive me, what distinguishes me. I was surprised more than once by those discoveries, and there is no way I could have gone there without Sam’s guidance. Sincerely, I feel so lucky to have found Sam and worked with him on this course, which had both technical and psychological parts. Rather than mimicking someone else, this training will allow you to discover your own unique voice that others will want to emulate.”
Between the ages of 17 (possibly earlier) through about the time I was about 29, I often used to feel overwhelmingly sad. These sad feelings started well before I began binge eating and stuck around for a while after. In retrospect, my sad feelings weren’t dangerous (I was lucky). No, my sad feelings could have benefited from one simple factor: acknowledgment. And such acknowledgment could have come from me or could have come from other people.
No silver bullets. Only recipes. Combined and compounded over time for results.
Hi. I’m Sam Buti, producer and digital media strategist,and I help people transform. Because while life is many things, it’s not static. It’s change. In fact, as we change, the demands change with us, and we, too, must evolve. What worked in the past no longer serves. And that’s when new methods are needed. Methods to change your thinking, shift your results.
Like a cookbook for thinking, health, and well being. But which recipe is right for you?
Methods (or recipes) can be for all sorts of situations. There are recipes for dealing with grief. There are recipes for business development. And there are even recipes for better health, thinking, or speaking in front of a crowd. Plus, when a recipe ins’t perfect for the moment, each has quality ingredients, waiting to be combined and mixed for better outcomes.
So no matter the outcome, results follow thoughts.
When you change your perspective, you change your results. When you change your results over time, THEN you start to change your life.
Best practices for changing your life
If you’re ready to change, come along with me. Each week, I’ll send you one newsletter with the best practices I’ve learned to improve the quality of your mind and the shape of your life. Plus, I’ll throw in a few bonus recommendations from powerful thinkers that have shifted my perspective, also.
In addition to one thought-changing lesson, I’ll share one mind-altering reading and one health-maximizing resource. Delivered to your inbox. That’s one email a week. And in less than five minutes, you’ll see actions, resources, and recommendations to transform.
Sign up for your methods for transformation today!
This is your mind. Now with added tools to help it evolve.